Modern Baby Furniture

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Kids' Sandboxes: The Way to Outdoor Fun

What is it with kids and sandboxes? Show me a child in a sandbox and I'll show you a happy child. For many families, a kid's sandbox is the next best thing to a frolic at the seashore. Parents who live in an urban environment far from the beach or the outdoors face the problem of seeing their children glued to their computers. Once the kids start staring at the computer screen, it is almost impossible to peel them away from it. Sometimes parents don't have the energy to engage in a battle with their young ones, so they let the the computer babysit the kids. After an unbelievable amount of time, the kids would stop and emerge almost robotic from fatigue because of the computer games.

If parents have something as inviting as kids' sandboxes for their children to explore, luring the little computer fiends to play outdoors won't be such a struggle. A sandbox can fit in the tiniest of outdoor spaces. A simple wooden frame filled with sand simply spells magic and exploration. How many times have we seen children with happy faces bent on building their little sandcastles with little pails and shovels? Their sense of accomplishment after placing a little banner to decorate their sand castles and forts is more than enough to warm a parent’s heart. 

What’s more, letting children play using their hands and fingers develop their motor skills. Pre-schools usually schedule a routine outdoor playtime and children gravitate to the swings, slides, and kids' sandboxes. It takes so little to make the little ones happy with these simple outdoor toys. Because of their simplicity, children can use their imagination and they learn how to entertain themselves. That is what really what parents dream about- for their children to thrive in physical play and to counter boredom by using their imagination.

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