Learning to ride a bike is more than just having fun. For young kids, it also a way of developing motor skills and balance. Since young kids can't immediately ride a two-wheel bike, a 'run bike' or a 'balance bike' is the first step in helping them develop the balance they need to ride a two-wheel bike. Smart Gear Toys Smart Balance Bike is a balance bike that has no pedals or training wheels.
How does a Smart Balance Bike help children develop balance and coordination? This balance bike by Smart Gear Toys was designed to allow children to sit, walk, or run with the bike by pushing with their feet. They instinctively use their feet if the bike begins to fall. Later on, their balance and confidence are developed and they begin cruising when they lift their feet up. A balance bike is different from the traditional bike with training wheels because it has no training wheels that can be used as a crutch to feel a sense of false security.
Aside from developing children's motor skills and balance, the Smart Gear Toys Smart Balance Bike is also environment-friendly. It is made from easily-replenished birch wood and finished with non-toxic paint and lacquer.
The Smart Balance Bike is a riding toy suitable for children two years and older and can withstand up to sixty pounds. And because young kids also like cool-looking toys, these bikes have different design option. You can choose from the hip Flame design for your little man or the pink Bubbleicious for your girlie girl.
To easily store the Smart Balance Bike, Smart Gear also has a Smart Gear Toys Smart Bike Stand. It keeps the bike upright and can be used with all Balance Bikes.
Start developing your child's balance and motor skills with the Smart Gear Toys Smart Balance Bike. With the confidence and balance that a Smart Bike gives your child, he can be on his way to riding a two-wheel bicycle.
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