Modern Baby Furniture

Monday, January 13, 2014

Decorative Lamps: Room Accents for Function, Decor, and Ambiance

Making your home as attractive as you can make it is always a pleasure. That is why there are a lot of people who like to change decor, paint, or move furniture around. What is better than just decorating is building or adding something that is functional and decorative in your living space. For example, lighting is an important part in all the rooms in your home. There are different kinds of lighting to meet the different activities done in a  particular room. If you can provide the right lighting and use a stylish fixture in the process, you get so much more satisfaction. Artecnica is one company that produces lighting so beautiful they look like works of art. 
If you prefer a feminine decor style, the Artecnica Surprise Surprise - Mirror is as pretty as you can get. Shaped like a  gift bow, it looks beautiful even without the light turned on. It is also multifunctional. It can be used on a wall, a table, or hanging on mid-air! It is available in silver reflective finish and subdued white opallescent finish. It is made from mirrorized Semi-Transparent PETand will look perfect in your little girl's room or a teen's room. You can even use it in your own bedroom or your dresser. 

If you want something different and unique, you can opt for the Artecnica Phrena. Aside from its looks, what's special about this lamp  is that it can be a flat light fixture but it can be maniupulated into a stunning 3D shade! It can also be configured for downlighting and uplighting distribution. It is a lighting fixture that changes its looks as well as function. What more can you ask for? And just like other Artecnica produts, it looks modern and used modern materials like Tyvek with a steel interior frame.

On your quest to have a comfortable and beautiful home, don't forget that there are things that are both functional and decorative. Lighting fixture is one of them. And decorating does not end at having the right furniture and the perfect paint colors. Lighting is one room accent that is basically functional but can also be decorative. More importantly, a stylish lamp like the ones from Artecnica does not only give light, it makes a room special by creating ambiance. 

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